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Are you wondering how to install an electric tankless hot water heater? Are you unsure about whether you are equipped to undertake this task yourself? Or, perhaps you’re just curious about the process involved? If any of these questions resonate with you, buckle up because you’re just about to embark on an informative journey with us at Sanz Plumbing, where we make complex instructions simple!

Brief Overview of Electric Tankless Water Heaters

Electric tankless water heaters, as opposed to traditional tank-types, provide endless hot water on demand, saving you both energy and expenses. Such a nifty piece of technology, however, requires a methodical installation process to fully reap its benefits – from switching off circuit breakers and draining the old heater, to mounting the new unit and configuring temperature settings.

The Basic Steps to Install an Electric Tankless Water Heater:

  1. Switch off circuit breaker and water supply
  2. Drain your old heater
  3. Remove front cover of the new unit
  4. Mount the water heater
  5. Connect pipes
  6. Install flow and pressure valves
  7. Bleed hot water system
  8. Inspect electrical connections
  9. Switch on the circuit breaker
  10. Test temperature and outlets

Importance of Proper Installation

Proper installation of a tankless heater matters more than one might think. Not only does it ensure the longevity of the unit and prevent potential damages, but it also guarantees the safe and efficient distribution of hot water throughout your property. Moreover, a poorly installed heater could also result in unnecessary energy consumption leading to inflated power bills.

Role of Sanz Plumbing in Water Heater Installation

Installing such a sophisticated unit may not be a stroll in the park for everyone. That’s where we, as an experienced team at Sanz Plumbing, step into the picture. With over 25 years of experience under our belt, we are proficient in ensuring a seamless installation, sparing you the potential pitfalls and headaches.

Tasks Involved in Installing an Electric Tankless Water Heater - how to install an electric tankless hot water heater infographic pillar-4-steps

Stay with us as we delve into the step-by-step process of installing an electric tankless water heater. Together, we’ll help you realize that even a seemingly complex task can be broken down into simple, manageable steps. Let’s dive in!

Preparing for Installation

Installing a water heater, especially an electric tankless one, requires careful preparation. At Sanz Plumbing, we understand the importance of the initial steps of the installation process and how they can impact the entire project. Let’s walk you through these steps.

Safety Measures: Switching Off Circuit Breaker and Water Supply

The first step to install an electric tankless water heater is to ensure safety. This means switching off the circuit breaker and water supply. Cutting off the power is crucial to avoid any accidental electric shocks while working, while shutting off the water supply prevents any potential flooding during the installation process.

As pointed out in our research, flooding can lead to thousands of dollars in damage, which makes this step paramount in the installation process. It’s not just about saving time and money; it’s about making sure you can work safely and efficiently.

Draining and Disconnecting the Old Water Heater

If you’re replacing a tank-type water heater, the next step is to drain it and disconnect it. Draining helps prevent any water spillage that could damage your property or create a mess. As referenced in the research, this process requires a hose and a container, like a bucket.

Once the water heater is drained, you can then unscrew the connecting pipes and remove the old wiring and wall-mounting brackets. But remember: caution is key. The old wiring and pipes should not be damaged during this process. If they are, replacements will be necessary, which could add to the project timeline and costs.

Importance of Not Damaging Connecting Pipes

During this phase, it’s critical to protect the integrity of the connecting pipes. Damaged pipes can lead to leaks and other issues that could hinder the proper functioning of your new water heater.

At Sanz Plumbing, we emphasize the importance of careful handling during the disconnection process. It’s not just about getting the old water heater out; it’s about preparing the space for the new unit in such a way that it supports optimal performance.

In the next section, we’ll guide you through the actual installation process, where we’ll be connecting the new unit and ensuring it’s properly mounted and ready to provide you with efficient hot water supply. The journey to understanding how to install an electric tankless hot water heater continues, and we’re here to guide you every step of the way.

Installation Process

Now that we’ve prepared for installation, it’s time to get into the heart of the matter. We’ll guide you through each step of the installation process.

Removing the Front Cover of the New Tankless Unit

First things first, you need to remove the front cover of the new tankless unit. Use a screwdriver to carefully remove the screws, placing them in a safe spot so you won’t lose them. As we often remind our clients, every part is crucial for the optimal operation of your water heater. Be extra careful if there are any cables connected between the cover and the unit. Unplug these gently before fully removing the cover.

Mounting the Unit to a Wall

Next, you’ll need to mount the unit to the wall. Make sure to choose a clean, uncluttered area for installation. Also, ensure that the unit is within easy reach in case of an emergency. Mounting the water heater is a straightforward task. You can use screws and the mount included in the package. Just follow the instructions provided with your unit.

Connecting Pipes for Hot Water Distribution

Once the device is mounted, it’s time to connect the pipes that distribute hot water throughout your home. These connections will go in and out of your water heater, located towards the bottom of the unit. If you received an installation diagram with your unit, refer to it to determine exactly where the connections should go.

Installing Flow and Pressure Valves

The next step in understanding how to install an electric tankless hot water heater is to install flow and pressure valves. These valves are crucial for regulating the flow and pressure of water going through your heater.

Bleeding the Hot Water System to Remove Air

Lastly, ‘bleed’ your hot water system to remove any trapped air. Air in the system can cause a banging or rattling noise often referred to as ‘water hammer’. It’s also an essential step to ensure the smooth operation of your water heater.

In the next section, we will discuss the electrical connections and how to safely establish them.

Electrical Connections

After connecting the pipes and allowing the system to bleed, it’s time to focus on the electrical connections of your tankless water heater. It’s crucial to remember that electricity can be dangerous if not handled correctly, so it’s advisable to contact a professional electrician if you’re unsure about this step. Sanz Plumbing has a team of experienced professionals who can ensure the electrical connections in your water heating system are safe and efficient.

Inspecting Electrical Connections

Before you proceed, carefully inspect all the electrical components of the water heater. Make sure there are no damaged or frayed wires, and double-check that all the components are firmly connected. It’s important to ensure that the electrical connections are safe and securely fastened to prevent any electrical issues down the line.

If you come across any damaged wires or loose connections, don’t hesitate to contact us at Sanz Plumbing. We can provide prompt and efficient repair services to ensure your water heater is working perfectly.

Reattaching the Cover

Once the inspection is complete, it’s time to reattach the front cover of the unit. Using the screws that you safely put aside earlier, firmly fix the cover back in place. Be cautious not to over-tighten the screws as it might damage the cover or the unit.

Switching On the Circuit Breaker

The final step in how to install an electric tankless hot water heater is to switch the circuit breaker back on. This step should only be performed after you’ve double-checked all connections and reattached the front cover.

Once the circuit breaker is on, your water heater should start working. However, you should give it a few minutes to heat the water before you start testing it.

Electric Tankless Water Heater - how to install an electric tankless hot water heater

Safety should be your top priority when handling electrical components. If at any point you feel unsure or uncomfortable with the process, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Sanz Plumbing. We’re here to help ensure the installation process is smooth, safe, and efficient.

Post-Installation Checks

Once your electric tankless water heater is installed, you’re not quite done. There are a couple of crucial checks that need to be done to ensure your unit is functioning correctly and safely.

Configuring the Temperature Settings

The first check involves the temperature settings. As you switch on your water heater, you’ll want to ensure that the system’s temperature settings are correctly configured. These units can indeed get very hot when set at the highest settings, so it’s recommended to avoid using them this high to prevent potential burns (

We at Sanz Plumbing suggest starting at a moderate temperature setting and adjusting it gradually as needed. The goal is to provide sufficient hot water for your needs without risking scalding or unnecessary energy consumption.

Testing All Hot Water Outlets in the Home

The second check involves testing all hot water outlets in your home, including faucets, showers, dishwashers, and clothes washers. This step ensures that all connections are correct and that hot water is being distributed evenly and quickly throughout your property.

Turn on each outlet one by one and observe the water temperature. It should heat up quickly and reach a comfortable temperature. If the water is too hot, you may want to adjust the temperature settings down. If there’s no hot water, or if it’s taking longer than expected to heat up, this might indicate an issue with the installation that needs to be addressed.

While this might seem like a lot of work, especially if you’re eager to start using your new water heater, these post-installation checks are crucial to ensure the safe and efficient operation of your unit. Knowing how to install an electric tankless hot water heater involves not only the installation process but also understanding how to properly test and adjust it post-installation.

At Sanz Plumbing, we’re committed to providing our clients with comprehensive support, from the choice of the best water heater for their needs through installation and post-installation checks. If you’re unsure about any aspect of your water heater installation or adjustment, don’t hesitate to contact us. Our team of experienced professionals is always ready to help.

Addressing Common Questions

We understand that you might have some questions about how to install an electric tankless hot water heater. This is why we’ve gathered and answered some of the most common inquiries to help you better understand the process.

Can You Install an Electric Tankless Water Heater Yourself?

Yes, you can certainly install an electric tankless water heater yourself. However, it’s crucial to ensure that you’re prepared and understand the installation process. If you’re not comfortable with the project, there’s no harm in hiring a professional. At Sanz Plumbing, we’re always ready to assist you with your installation needs.

What are the Electrical Requirements for an Electric Tankless Water Heater?

An electric tankless water heater requires a dedicated 120- or 240-volt circuit. The wire used should be 8-gauge, and the exposed section under the sink must be armored cable. Always refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for the correct cable size. If they recommend a larger cable, you must comply with this requirement as per the National Electrical Code.

Are Electric Tankless Water Heaters 110 or 220?

Electric tankless water heaters can operate on either 110 or 220 volts, depending on the specific model. However, to reduce amp usage, all electric tankless water heaters are designed to operate on a 240-volt circuit.

What Size Breaker Does a Tankless Water Heater Need?

Typically, a 30 amp double breaker is needed for an electric tankless water heater. The type of copper wire used will depend on the run length, but it will be either 8 or 6 gauge. Electrical work can be complex and potentially dangerous if not done correctly. If you’re unsure, don’t hesitate to hire a licensed electrician.

Understanding your water heater’s electrical requirements and installation can be complex. That’s why we, at Sanz Plumbing, are here to help. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions or need professional assistance. We’re always ready to ensure your hot water needs are met efficiently and safely.


Recap of the Installation Process

Installing an electric tankless water heater involves several key steps. First, you must prepare for the installation by turning off the circuit breaker and water supply, then draining and disconnecting the old water heater. Next, the installation process begins by removing the front cover of the new unit, mounting it to a wall, connecting the pipes for hot water distribution, and installing flow and pressure valves. The hot water system must also be bled to remove any air.

The next phase is making the electrical connections, inspecting them for safety, and reattaching the cover. After switching on the circuit breaker, the post-installation checks include configuring the temperature settings and testing all hot water outlets in the home.

While this process may seem straightforward, it requires a good understanding of plumbing and electrical systems. Missteps can lead to damage, inefficiency, or even safety hazards.

Importance of Professional Assistance from Sanz Plumbing

While there are many DIY projects you can undertake at home, installing an electric tankless water heater is not one of them. This is a job for professionals, and that’s where we, at Sanz Plumbing, come in. We have a team of licensed and experienced professionals who understand the complexities and safety measures involved in installing water heaters.

We’re not only committed to completing the job right, but we also prioritize environmental sustainability. As stated in our commitment to environmental sustainability, we recommend and install energy-efficient boiler systems that align with green building practices, reducing carbon footprints and promoting responsible heating practices.

Contact Information for Sanz Plumbing

Don’t let the task of installing a water heater overwhelm you. Give us a call, and we’ll take care of it for you. If you need assistance or have any questions about how to install an electric tankless hot water heater, please contact us.

For more tips and insights on home maintenance and improvement, keep reading our blog. And remember, no matter the plumbing issue, at Sanz Plumbing, we’re always ready to ensure your hot water needs are met efficiently and safely.

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